Seed For Success™

Seed For Success™ is a preventive program for concerned parents, educators, and addiction treatment providers

Nowadays the danger for adults, adolescents and children to become addicted is greater than ever: addictions and addictive behaviors are too often quick response mechanisms to many triggers that have become part of our daily lives. Addictive behavior triggers are present early on in one’s life. As the child grows to become an adolescent, and as the adolescent becomes an adult, the amount of triggers increase dramatically requiring more preventive actions from parents, educators, counselors, life coaches, doctors and addiction treatment providers. By identifying triggers leading to addictive behaviors and by developing a practical knowledge to efficiently neutralize these processes, damaging consequences of addictive behaviors and addictions can dramatically be reduced if not completely avoided.

Seed For Success™ is an educational and inter-active program that provides to key actors in one’s life the tools needed to identify potential and existing triggers and implement appropriate responsive actions to avoid the devastation that comes along with addictions and addictive behaviors.

Parenting and addiction prevention

Early on, addictive behaviors can be induced by parents’ response or the lack thereof to triggers (e.g. sugar to calm down infant’s crying).

Parenting includes walking children, adolescents and young adults through the challenges of life (e.g. teaching pacing rather than rushing to achievements).

Parenting requires an actual knowledge of triggers that children, adolescents and young adults will encounter. More specifically, it is paramount for parents to know what constitutes a drug, an addictive behavior, and how to avoid them (e.g. parents need to know what drugs are easily available and how they are distributed, parents need to early on notice their children and young adolescents behavioral shifts as well as how to engage them to positively resolve nascent issues).

Parents need to be aware of the physical, emotional and psychological challenges that come along with childhood and adolescence (e.g. weight control and body image)

As part of parents’ educational tool box, easy access and dialogue with professional educators, life coaches, and therapists is a “must have”.

Educators and addiction prevention

Educators have an unbiased look at their students’ behavior and they can bring up fact-based solutions to nascent issues. Educators can inspire because of their third-party authority position.

Educators are uniquely positioned to help children, adolescents and young adults in developing life skills that will protect them from addictive behaviors and addictions. When coordinated with parent’s teaching, educators’ actions can reinforce initial parental messaging.

Seed For Success™ has been designed to create a bridge between parents and educators to better educate and coach children, adolescents and young adults so they are better prepared to face life’s challenges, including potential addictive behaviors and addictions.

Addiction Treatment providers and prevention

While prevention is less expensive and more efficient for any given population’s welfare, most established systems provide for after-the-fact care only.

This conundrum is the cause of a de facto care rationing that takes its toll on addiction treatment providers’ ability to perform.

Addiction treatment providers with an unmatched passion aim at helping those struggling with addictive behaviors and addictions.

Because of their accrued knowledge and experience of addictive behaviors and addictions, addiction treatment providers are best positioned to synthesize and coordinate parents’, educators’, children, adolescents’ and young adults’ actions to better shield them from addictive behaviors and addictions devastations.

Seed For Success™ is a prevention program that has been designed to empower addiction treatment providers by offering them the opportunity to reach out to their communities to efficiently implement quality addiction prevention tools that will benefit the population they service and increase their revenue stream during these dire times.

How it works

Seed For Success™ is a prevention program that has been developed by professionals to be implemented through a network of accredited providers. The program covers children and adolescents’ body evolution and related needs, nutrition, exercise, body, and brain development, emotional development and balance, social environment (family, school, friends, social networks), and social skills. The program covers knowledge acquisition, related techniques and challenges, social environment, and related social skills. The program also explores the following aspects of addiction prevention for families: communication, emotional balance, family dynamic, and life and spiritual education. The program is designed in modules that are focused on specific age groups: 3 - 11 yo, 12 - 18 yo, and 19- 25 yo. Modules range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks. Material, marketing plan, and support are provided by BHCEF to accredited treatment providers.